We found this pile of steaming manure on the Internet Archive. It was obviously put up to appeal to people who believed that there were fairies at the bottom of the garden.

Perhaps Carmen (if that is her real name? Perhaps 'she' is an Eastern European male with a beard) really can cast spells. Perhaps the charges are reasonable. Maybe those who paid over money for these spells, but who got no benefit whatsoever, will get their money back.

Then again perhaps we are not simple web developers at all, but Masters of the Universe living in Alpha Centauri, wherever that is.

We have made a few alterations just in case the site is visited by believers in magic who trust someone claiming to be called Carmen but who gives no contact details (I wonder why?) so don't bother trying to make any payments, the links have all been changed. Paypal has probably blocked the account by now anyway.

Go in peace.