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Carmen The Love Spells Queen Witch


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Candle Magic Spell Instructions


Without realising you have quite possibly already performed a little candle magic: when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake and make a wish you are actually performing a very ancient ritual, even the birthday cake represents a sacrifice that would be made to the Gods so that they would grant your wish.

Candle magic is very simple and anybody can perform their own magic spell. All that is required for a simple spell is a regular white household candle, candle holder, matches and a bottle of of your favourite essential oil: lavender, lemongrass, frankincense etc.

Candle Magic Steps:

1, You will only require a very tiny amount of your favourite essential oil, which you should rub over the candle - starting at the base, run your hand up the candle’s length whilst you are thinking about the goal of your spell. You may find it also helps if you visualise the desired end result of your wish. Try not to apply too much essential oil or tension as you may accidentally end up with a twisted candle and spiting flame. The concept behind this part of the spell is to establish a transcendental connection between the magic, candle and yourself by the perception of contact and smell.

2, Now, you are ready to light the candle, make this a significant operation, it must not be done mechanically. The lighting of the candle must be a conscious, illustrative event to convey your objective.

3, Next, verbalise your request, either out aloud or silently to yourself.

4, When you feel your spell has substance and as started its work you can end the spell and blow out your candle.

5, Your candle should not be used for any other functions once it has been devoted to a magical goal; neither should it be used for a different ritual. The candle should be kept safely aside and relit if you plan to repeat the same spell at a subsequent date.

The Outcome

You must be patient and allow time for the magical powers to build up and start manipulating your situation. It is unjustifiable to assume you will get immediate results especially when you may have been labouring fruitlessly with a problem for quite sometime before electing to use a magical remedy.

If your objective is genuine and you are ready to make every practical attempt to help yourself on both the constructive and conscious level, you may see results within a few days; however, it may take longer, depending on the essence of your conjuration. Sometimes magical energies appear to deviate, so don’t be discouraged too easily if the result of your magic spell seems to be at variance with your stated goal.

For example, maybe your job is at risk so you perform a spell to protect your position. Unluckily, or so it appears at the time you are made redundant and feel that your magical undertakings have been unproductive. However, an unanticipated opportunity introduces itself to work over seas, and because you do not have to wait out any notice time, you are able to accommodate this beneficial position.

Or, perhaps you wish to perform a spell to turn a friend into a lover, but instead your friend meets the love of their life. Fortunately though, this leaves you free to meet new people and as a result, you meet the person of your dreams!

In any case, if you don’t accomplish clear manifestations of a triumphant result to your spell within 28 days, repeat the spell again. Keep in mind, that a positive result may take more time than you would wish for the mixture of will-power and the magical powers you have conjured to work for your advantage and produce your wished for goal. However, this does not mean that you have failed, simply that the time is not ready for change.

Planetary Powers

Colours vibrate or oscillate at specific frequencies, so if you choose a coloured candle which corresponds to that of the particular planetary force related with your desired objective, you will fortify your goal because like attracts or effects like: one of the fundamental principles of all occultism.

If you would like to add another realm to your spell perform it on the day that comes under the chosen planet’s domain of command; the seven orthodox planets were each given rulership over one of the days of the week.

Having just illustrated an elementary candle magic spell, the following information on planetary colour, days and zones of authority should permit you to carry out a potent magic spell.

The Sun - Sunday.
Colours: gold, orange, coral and yellow.
Governs: will power, strength, leadership, confidence, fame, health, the performing arts, entertainment, teaching, fatherhood and success.

The Moon - Monday.
Colours: silver, opal shades and white.
Governs: women’s affairs, fertility, motherhood, the home and family, creativity, intuition, the mysteries, astral projection, clairvoyancy and perception, the subconscious, travel by water and all maritime subjects.

Mars - Tuesday.
Colours: strong reds.
Governs: stamina, masculinity, decisiveness, courage, competition, militancy and confrontation.

Mercury - Wednesday.
Colours: lemon, black and white combined.
Governs: the intellect, wit, trade and commerce, communication, language, education, the media, business contracts, merchandise, vehicles, land or air travel, short trips and healing.

Jupiter - Thursday.
Colours: Purple, dark blue, indigo. Governs: prosperity, financial speculation, litigation, benevolence, religion, friendships, social prestige, higher education, and foreign travel.

Venus - Friday.
Colours: light to mid blues, greens and pinks.
Governs: love, marriage, harmony, beauty , pleasure, fashion, dance and music, material wealth, personal income and earnings.

Saturn - Saturday.
Colours: black and brown.
Governs: real estate, property, land, agriculture, mining, archaeology, inheritance, antiques, economy, vocational motivation and career success.

New Planets

Pluto - Tuesday.
Colours: red, brown and dark grey.
Governs: magic, religious retreats, meditation, criminal investigation, geology, deep-sea and underground research.

Neptune - Thursday.
Colours: grey, soft blue and pastel tones.
Governs: mediumship, psychic powers, photography, film-making, writing, poetry, drugs and alcohol,

Uranus - Saturday.
Colours: electric blue and shocking pink.
Governs: technology, computer sciences, electronics, astrology, trade unionism, international affairs, environmental issues, independence, originality and humanitarianism.

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