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Questions for Carmen on Love Spells


I always say this website answers every question I have ever been asked during the past 20 years I have been casting spells for the public. This remains true for my love spells and services, but now I am finding I receive lots of questions linked to what clients have read on other websites and usually I’ll get asked the same thing many times, therefore, this page will answer such questions from now on.

You do not have to be a client to ask a question, but it is unprofessional of me to comment on other websites or spells being used elsewhere, therefore please do not ask such questions.

I will not post email addresses, or names as email harvesters will grab your email address and send you lots of spam. In fact there's no need to supply them.

Carmen in your opinion what is the best way to stay positive while waiting for a love spell to work? I ask because I used someone else without success before coming to you and was told my negative attitute was to blame for the failure of my spell?

I hear this a lot - it’s only natural to worry and think the worst when your heart is aching, however this does not cause spell failure, apart from anything I your spell caster cast your spell feeling 100% positive. A witch enters a ‘trance’ when he or she casts a spell, they are completely focused not thinking about possible failure or tomorrow’s shopping list.

However this website now contains webpages to help you feel positive, but it is not essential anyone uses the pages, they are for those who want them and clients spells will work whatever. As I say on the forum:

The pain you feel is caused because you are scared your wishes won’t come true, that your loved on will move one and never return. If you fail an exam it’s upsetting but you can resit it - there’s an easy answer. With heartache there’s a million questions and if your loved one is remotely negative towards you the pain is a million times worst than if anyone else does or says the same thing, because you are ultra sensitive where this person is concerned, therefore your loss is maximised and takes over your entire life.

The guidance pages for those wanting to work on their thoughts and feelings can be found at: Positivity for Love Spells.

Why do you not guarantee spells, lots of websites do?

Yes they do but real witches don’t because they cannot. Britney Spears cannot guarantee her next song will be a massive hit, she may try her hardest, use the best song writer, record producer, but it might not go the way she hopes even if she thinks it’s the best thing she’s ever done. Spells are an art too, not a science, I can make various calculations about when results are likely but that is based on past experience, not science - if you cast the same spell numerous times you do start to realise it will either work in X, Y or Z way - some clients say “nothing is happening, nothing at all" and I then realise they are going to get their results X way, most likely at the last minute. Sometimes spells give no visible indication that results are going to appear, then they do without any ‘signs’. Others get results gradually, or another common ways is a major breakthrough after the spell and nothing further until full results.

So spells have a ‘mind of their own’ but a spell doesn’t fail for no reason, usually when there is failure I find out it because my client has done the opposite to what I usually but not always advise - I say "keep the lines of communications open with your ex or loved one", to my ‘horror’ there are websites telling you not to communicate with your ex/lover. In general you should and the rare few clients of mine who shouldn’t have personally been told why they shouldn’t and when they can - cases vary, but unless I have told you NOT to speak to you loved one and why, please always do when using my spells. I cannot speak for other spell casters, we all have our own way, but I believe an ex or new love finds it much easy to become involved with you if you are communicating.

I have had spells cast elsewhere and they have not worked, why should yours?

I hate receiving emails that say this and I am pleased I can now email this page and reply to those who ask. Basically anyone who has been scammed repeatedly elsewhere isn’t going to order from me, they are going to keep asking questions about other practitioners, and as already stated I cannot comment on other sites. I am sorry but I cannot justify why others have failed to help - a real witch’s spell might have failed for any number of reasons and she’s the best person to discuss things with, or you might have fallen for a scam.

Those who offer you a money back guarantee are scams, only a scam can offer a refund, a real witch has purchased spell materials, used up a lot of her time calculating how she (or he) will cast your spell, spells take at least an hour to prepare for and one or two hours minimum to cast, the witch cannot guarantee that his/her client won’t ruin their spell by talking about it or obeying advice on third party websites, linked to other witches services.

A lawyer who doesn’t get the result you want still charges a fee, they do all they possibly can, but small print basically says they cannot guarantee anything. Those websites that say "Money Back Guarantee" are 99.9% of the time scams and they say that to get more orders and they don’t honour their promise.

Any spell casting website can have OTT claims, but real witches websites won’t because ethics won’t allow them even if the internet will.

How do I know you are a real love spells witch when there are so many spell casting scams around?

Well you know someone is writing this page :), but the only thing that will prove I am real is results and of course they don’t appear until after you’ve decided you can place your trust in me - not easy, after all I am a stranger on the internet and you are most likely wanting help with something extremely personal. I am not able to talk you into anything or convince you, you need to come to me wanting a love spell.

I am a skeptic, do love spells really work?

Yes, they do. it doesn’t matter if you do not believe in spells, they work. After saying spells are not a science earlier on this page, I would like to explain just what spells are: They are an energy made up from subatomic particles, just like everything else in the Universe. Love spells or their energy rather are created by a witch using thought, action, words and spell materials, the energy created affects the near future and causes fate to manifest the situation you are seeking. I often say to clients,"you don't need a reading, your spell is writing your new future" and so it is because it is psychic energy!

If i used a love spell to bring back my ex and it works, will some one else be able to breakus apart if used a spell to split us up?

In theory yes, a Reuniting Love Spell does just that - 'reunites' it doesn’t promise to keep a couple together, only love spells that include binding are permanent and guarantee your lover won’t leave, binding should ONLY be used if you feel you have met your soul mate. Binding will protect you for other peoples spells.

Your next question is obviously how long will a Reuniting Love Spell last? Well I am aware of one client who is still with her man three years on after using a Reuniting Love Spell without binding, she originally had a love rival too (and used a Separation Spell). Once a love spell works it ensures your loved one is keen to be with you, they come to you wanting to be with you, not planning to run off the next day.

It is true unless binding is used a love rival could use a Separation Spell on you and your lover.

Hi Carmen

Can I just ask, I thought spells are to remain a secret and never to be discussed. Why do you have a forum and testimonials. Does this not go against keeping a spell a secret. You hear so much on the net that forums are wrong for spells ?

My forum is not for promoting my spells, my website does that, the forum is for exchanging views, and chatting to like minded people.

Spells mustn’t be discussed directly, there is a warning on the forum and I’ll be checking the forum often incase anyone makes an error. All the testimonials have name changes, and none go into great detail, also they are after the spell has worked.

I know for certain some clients have chatted to their friends about using a love spell, they have looked at my site with their friend and missed my comments regarding keeping spells a secret, these people have still got their results, although usually if they can I ask them to tell their friend they changed their mind about using a spell so that they don’t have to discuss the status of it. Talking about your spell is not wise, but if it is an error rather than knowingly doing so that’s fine - it can happen, the same as another client might accidentally do something to upset her spell, but not destroy it, possibly slow it down.

If I have a problem in need a spell my friends and family will know without me saying that I am casting a spell to deal with the situation, but they are like minded people and they aren’t going to say “Carmen it won’t work, you are silly believing in spells” whereas many clients might not want their friends or family to know they are using a love spell because of the disproving reaction they would get. Many delete their emails to ensure no one knows a thing, they feel safer that way. I have had clients use obvious email passwords and a ‘friend’ has hacked into their account and read my emails - it’s not stopped the spells from working, spells do not ‘die’ that easy.

Overall than you should never knowingly talk about, the word occult means ‘secret or coded message’ spells work much, much better when kept a secret, to purposely ‘gossip’ about your spell is not wise, it will slow it down or you will be caused extra worry when your friend reacts negatively or tells other. If a client purposely discussed her loved spell daily during her lunch break, she would be sabotaging her spell, on the other hand, if unknown to her a ‘friend’ had her email password and read my emails to her, the spell would not be destroyed, though spells tend to expose these things and my client will learn what is going on and be able to correct it.

My spells aren’t weak, they withstand a few errors, but if you know for certain something is ‘anti’ your spell and still do it that will be damaging. Errors spells can handle, direct sabotage no, although most people read my FAQs as I ask in my very first email to them, and don’t upset things at all!

Have you ever had a love spell backfire?

No, they cannot, love spells throw good luck onto a situation. A witch will concentrate on a positive outcome, the spell will not know how to work differently.

How do you know your spells will work for someone?

I read their story, most are in real pain and I hope I am able to help, I then use natural clairvoyance and check things too with my Angel cards - this doesn't take very long and I know straightaway if I can help or not. Occasionally I might feel something is not right, that the enquirer is withholding information, that is off putting as spells need charging with accurate information. I will probably not go ahead with that case, unless I feel the writer is too embarrassed to be honest etc.

Other times it's so clear the enquirer has not read a thing on my website, all they have done is fill in the consultation form, and I bet they've filled in consultation forms elsewhere without reading a thing too, which no genuinely heartbroken person who ever consider. The next day they will not be interested in spells anymore. Also some people write to me then again 3 or 6 months later, they've done nothing about anything and never will. It might sound harsh but these people are time wasters and I do not waste my time on them, my time goes on my clients.

A genuine email from someone seeking real help is very different to one for someone who 'might' use a love spell so I don't lose much time on time wasters, they stick out like a sore thumb.

When you say you can help someone how sure are you?

I am as certain as I can humanly be, there's no way of testing. I only take on clients I am confident I can help.


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