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Carmen The Love Spells Queen Witch

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Quartz Crystal

Quartz crystals (silicon dioxide) have been used on Earth for well over 80 thousand years - they were the source of power in ancient Atlantis. A natural crystal approximately two inches long and three-quarters of an inch in diameter, takes around 10 thousand years to grow. Crystals grow beneath the Earth’s surface, most commonly in beds of igneous (volcanic) rock .

Quartz crystals are portable computers with the capacity of receiving, storing and releasing upon command, they act as convertors; converting, transforming and transmuting energy from one variety to another. Programming a crystal is very similar to programming a computer - both require clear, logical input to extract concise output! The only difference is the computer programmer needs complicated machine language while the crystal user requires simple everyday pictorial thought.


Your crystal may have picked up negative energies while it was being mined, transported, shipped, packed, and distributed before it reached you. As already mentioned quartz crystals are open receivers of energy and cannot only pick up negative thoughts and energies but can store them efficiently too. Therefore, your first priority is to cleanse your crystal thoroughly. To do this, simply place your crystal in a glass of water along with a large pinch of sea-salt and leave it in this solution for a minimum of 12 hours, preferably 24 hours.


Holding your crystal in your left hand, rotate it clockwise around the area you wish to heal. This healing exercise will take several minutes - you (or the patient) may require further treatments over a period of time to ensure maximum healing.

Absent Healing

To heal someone who cannot be present either put their name or photo under your Quartz Crystal Point which you have programmed to heal them. Absent healing works no matter how many thousands of miles away you might be.

Energising Food And Drink

To clear the body of toxicity drink a glass of crystallised water daily. Hold your crystal over a glass of water, first rotate your crystal anti-clockwise, then clockwise several times. Now taste the difference, if you don’t notice anything different about the water continue rotating your crystal until you do. You can use your crystal in the same way to improve the taste of wine and food.


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