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Love Spells Romance and How to Help Your Love Spells


Some clients sometimes have the idea that because they have had love spells cast, they can afford to lie back and never do anything themselves toward the fruition of their dreams or even worse, think they can afford to act negatively toward the one they want. Even in magic, this is rarely the case. I don't need clients to do anything toward their love spells, but there comes a time in the love spell process, a while after casting, when the potential lover or ex lover is showing keen interest, that my clients should start to put a little effort in their longed for results too. Of course every situation varies, but on the whole, clients need to remember that they are seducing their lover, husband or wife afresh and need to remember the love rules that apply in any courtship. If you are a woman, don't assume that you can afford to forget the 'play hard to get' flirtation rules. Women need to be available to the one they love, true, but not so available that they become a walk over and so stop seeming exciting to their love. If your ex or husband or the man you dream of being with, wants to see you, be available, you've had love spells cast to get you this far! But do not be available 24/7, if you are, even with magic involved, you will not spark the male desire to chase after you and win you, which is still part of a love spell romance, especially for him. If you are a man, remember to woo her, win her affections afresh, give her the excitement of real romance, and try to mix it up a little, be unpredictable, surprise her in ways that will be surprising not shocking, and get her feet to float right off the carpet, as you sweep her off them. And let her miss you sometimes, don't appear to neglect her, just let her know you are very busy with something you cannot drop, times when you cannot be available. Of course, your own situation will dictate the best ways for you to behave to get faster and deeper results, so think carefully and act carefully, unless your love presents themselves beribboned and gift wrapped on your doorstep, which happens for some!

love spells affections

Seduction, it should be remembered, is all about being slightly elusive, you are the Scarlet Pimpernel of love, now they see you, now you're available, now you are not. Unless they are laying their heart at your feet, or making noises to suggest that is what they wish to do, do not lay your heart at their toes, unless you are male. Intrigue them, find ways that are subtle to get them to think about you all the time, thinking about you, leads to wanting to be with you and in turn to loving you. Or you can even help this along and make sure they think of no-one but you with my Always On Your Mind Love Spell. Love spells are powerful, none more than mine, but you can work against them by being extremely available, by not being your nicest and most winning with your love, by saying unpleasant things, by telling them they were a 'bast**d' for leaving you or by overdoing your niceness toward them and seeming a done deal or worse, obsequious. No-one craves what is certainly, obviously available, or anyone who throws themselves at us at all, let alone with an air of frenzied desperation. If you seem desperate, they will think, it is not them you love, you are just desperate. From this they will deduce that you probably have a large hole in your life to fill, therefore you must be 'needy,' 'clingy', which are both very unattractive traits and gives them the impression that you would be desperate over anyone, which is very unflattering and makes you seem as attractive as a skunk. We all want to feel special, and over doing it does not help here. So if you are man and she expects to be wooed, do it seductively, not desperately, lead her in gently, make her wonder about you, don't be a dead cert. It depends on your case, but it may well be enough that she knows you are interested, how much you might well leave her to guess, until she begins to succumb. Think of it as a bread trail, drop nice crumbs, one by one. Of course if your wife left because she didn't feel loved or that you never paid her enough attention, get out the big guns and fire volleys of romance as soon as possible, and make sure they are sincere and that she can tell they are too. Hurling of china when they enter a door, swearing at them, being cold towards them, giving them the impression you would never, whilst sane, want to be with them, are all things a love spell would have to fight very hard against. So if you don't wish to upset your love spells power, never be unpleasant to your love! You cannot afford to treat them with disdain to bolster your ego because they haven't dropped at your feet or because they left you and still expect your love spell to achieve it's full potential. Your love spell is doing it's best for you, so try to help it along all you can.

loves spells seduction

Naturally you do not want to come across as a neurotic, tense, hyped up, wound up coil of nerves, when you have contact with your love, like some bumbling comic clown, so relaxation and confidence is crucial.

Step 1 Look after your looks, get in shape, perhaps have your hair styled, do all you can so you feel shiny, sparkling and that you feel comfortable with yourself and look your best. If you feel you want extra help, you can hasten this process with my Beauty Spell or Slimming Spell.

Step 2 Do new things, go to new places, yes leave the house, go out and widen your horizons, learn new things, this will give you new things to talk about with your love, as one of the things that leads to loss of attraction and why partners split up, is the feeling that they know everything about each other. Nothing new to discover, so be that new territory again. You are also showing you have a life outside them and equally importantly that you are happy. Happiness is sexy, attractive, they wont like you being happy without them if they left you, their ego will be intrigued, this is all to your advantage. And if they are someone new you wish to win, happiness is one of your best assets.

Step 3 Learn to really, deeply relax, so that when he or she turns up out of the blue to talk, you don't hyperventilate, smash crockery as you go to get them a drink, and so that you can remember your own name and talk more than gibberish. You need to be able to deal with this longed for time, in a relaxed way, so that the best of you can shine, and pull them in even more when your special moment arrives.

Step 4 Confidence is sexy and rare, men report, in women, and something that both sexes find very attractive. So find ways to boost your confidence, look on the net to find a resource to help you, or read a book or listen to a CD that will explain ways to boost your self esteem and confidence, which are winners when it comes to love.

Step 5 Humour is healing, the moment you laugh with a lover, you are bonding. But to release your humour you need to relax, so find all the ways you can employ to help you now, before you suddenly need them.

Many clients have ex's, husbands and partners, new loves that do just arrive out of the blue, without warning and say, 'I love you and want to be with you,' on the instant, leaving my clients slack jawed, gaping and joyous, while others have more complicated cases and so it is for these that this is written and because when something is very important to any of us, that is usually the one moment when we make our most obvious mistakes.

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