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Carmen The Love Spells Queen Witch



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New Love Spells

Carmen's Occult & Psychic Tips, Ideas & Info


How To cope When You See Your Ex Before Love Spells Have Reunited You

Dating your ex before your reuniting:

Your ex will, at some point want to see you again. They may find an excuse or simply ask you out. Do you leap at them screaming 'take me I'm yours?' Put that idea on the back burner for now and let them dictate the pace. Sometimes, when you are expecting instant hearts and flowers, they may be merely friendly or even cool or distant, which is confusing and upsetting. But take heart, this is normal, they may well be confused themselves.

Just remember to show them your best, be natural, show them you are happy to see them but don't gush or fawn or alternately do not be cool or hostile whatever they do. Act as you would do when meeting an old friend. Let things build up at the pace they are comfy with. See yourself as a horse whisperer, a tamer of wild animals, gently, stealthily does it, don't spook them by suddenly admitting you have planned and booked the wedding, 'how do they fancy Greece I can manage the first two weeks of August?'

Also they may well be nervous, feel insecure, or even unsure if you want them which can also show itself in a cool demeanour. The answer to this is not to lie down at their feet and proclaim them the god of your life. It is best to show you are open to taking things further by being warm and positive toward them. Show an interest in them and their life but don't over do it, so they feel they're being grilled or your interest is obsessive!

It's helpful to remember that you are not continuing your old relationship but beginning a new and far better one. You cannot do this if you hang onto past hurts or recriminations about what they may have done to you. Forgiveness is the wisest option not only for them but also for you. Your love will sense any resentment you harbour and will not want to return to that. Whatever led to your break up will come back to haunt you if you haven't learnt the life lesson this break up should serve to teach you. Whatever it was, learn and be prepared to make things different this time and to compromise as far as you are comfortable, if needed to give you both a happy new start.

Remember when you first met your love? How did you treat them then? When you first met them, their every thought and opinion of you was not important to your peace of mind. You were relaxed and there was plenty of banter, you did not take them, or events so seriously. Try to see them in that same relaxed and light hearted manner, treat them as you would an old friend but don't over do it, slouch, scratch continuously or admit to ' disgusting tummy troubles today, ' or to anything unbecoming! Let them see what a wonderful person you are, look your best and remind them of what they have missed.

As in the beginning so now, do not bombard or pressurise. Take it easy. It is helpful to think in terms of subtly seducing your love back to you.

It can be helpful to keep an eye out for ways in which you may subtly help matters with your love. Try to avoid the pitfall of fears and what your insecurities may whisper to you. Fear is counterproductive to your spell work. Also avoid driving past their home at night, just to check they are in, or watching their every move. You are the seducer, not a rat catcher that needs to corner them or make them feel under a microscope. Have faith in your spell work and in yourself. Pray with faith and thanks. Learn from your past. Your future will then be all that you want it to be.

Few get a second chance in life, spell work is a blessing that ensures this, so relax and enjoy making the most of the opportunity your work is giving you, enjoy it to the full.



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