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The Importance of Showing Gratitude for your Love Spells Blessings

When love spells are cast for you, it is the beginning of the journey of a signal sent out into the Universe on your behalf, you could say like a signal beamed to a satellite in space. This signal is then bounced around the universe, to a dimension where there is no time, no space, but where there are energies which make up the spirit world, sentient, divine energies. My love spells can be likened to jet fuelled prayers, powered by energy and thought forms which strengthen and aim them directly to bring you your most heart felt wishes at the greatest speed possible. When you pay for your love spells, that is your sacrifice, that you have willingly given, in order to receive the outcome you desire. But that does not mean that the divine forces of the universe are at your command, it means that I have petitioned them to help you. They are at no man's command. Of course they listen, or I wouldn't have had so many successes with my client's cases, but that doesn't mean that anyone can afford to take these divine forces help for granted. That would be a big mistake, these forces to not need to spend time helping you, so when your love spells are cast, it is worthwhile thanking the divine, the universe for all the help and good that is coming your way, and meaning it. Real gratitude is appreciated by the divine. It's not hard to work out that if someone asks you for your help and they are blasé about all you do for them, you're soon going to tire of helping them and direct your energies to a better cause.

No-one likes ingratitude, you wonder why you bothered, so show the universe that you appreciate the blessings given to you, not just through your love spells, but in all your life. You can do this in prayer and or by helping others around you and spreading the good will. When your love spells have been cast, do your best to be good to others, so that the divine will want to be good to you. You maybe a time poor businessman, but smiles and kindness to those around you and a pleasant word don't take up time. Or you could give to charity and help those worse off than yourself. By asking for love spells you have asked that some of the largesse of the universe be given to you, so it is always a good idea to show that you too will help others when called upon in your turn, as you have called out for help. The universe appreciates what is good in us, and values us at our worth in those terms, not by our success, nor by our bank balance, nor by our beauty but far more importantly by our worth to the world, the goodness that stems from our hearts and enriches those around us by spreading good will and by our actions that follow that up. We can hide what we are behind facades built up over lifetimes, we can pretend we are anything, like actors do, we may fool friends, lovers and marriage partners, but we can never fool the divine, they see straight through us, like x-rays of the soul, and know us for exactly what we are, they even know our thoughts and motives.

So as you ask for help, through your love spells, sit back and reflect, have you helped anyone else recently? 'As you give, so shall you receive,' is not always the case in this life but when love spells are involved, sometimes it maybe a factor. This doesn't mean that you must give money to charity, especially if you cant afford it, nor that you must help everyone like a demented boy scout on overdrive, it does mean that the little kindnesses you do others, whether it's just making someone else feel good about themselves, or cooking your parents dinner, when you've haven't bothered to contact them for six months, all add up to how warmly the divine is disposed toward you.

So always remember to thank the divine, the universe, God, whoever it is you believe in, each time something good happens to you with real gratitude, and when I cast my love spells for you, thank the divine for helping you, feel the gratitude, they do not have to, but they help, which is beautiful, a blessing to know that we are worth so much effort on the part of the forces of this universe, who show us and give us, unstinting love and care. Through my love spells, I've seen this love shown to humanity time and again, and I'm grateful that I can help through my love spells, it's a great gift we receive when our calls to the divine are answered. I try to repay all the good that I am given, I have felt divine love in my life, Angelic forces have helped me and mine and each time I think of these things I try to repay all the good that I receive and more. When friends wish to give me gifts, I often ask for donations to charity instead and give the same in return. Knowing the world is better off because we exist, is a pleasure and blessing in itself. I know that Angels and the divine exist, and deep down, so do you, that is why you have called upon my help, and you will see the divine in action when your love spells are cast.

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