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Chakras are the spiritual energy centres of the body, the ‘doorways’ for our consciousness that originate in the etheric being. Chakra is a Sanskrit word which means ‘wheel’ and we have seven of these spiritual centres.

Chakras can easily become blocked during the course of everyday events, we all at some point in time encounter stressful, emotional, or physical problems. Our reaction to such events is usually one of resentment, anger, or stubborn refusal to co-operate and this causes our Chakras to become blocked leading to a variety of physical, mental and psychic problems. Chakras can be cleansed using a Quartz Crystal Point.

Quartz Crystal

Quartz crystals (silicon dioxide) have been used on Earth for well over 80 thousand years - they were the source of power in ancient Atlantis. A natural crystal approximately two inches long and three-quarters of an inch in diameter, takes around 10 thousand years to grow. Crystals grow beneath the Earth’s surface, most commonly in beds of igneous (volcanic) rock .

Quartz crystals are portable computers with the capacity of receiving, storing and releasing upon command, they act as convertors; converting, transforming and transmuting energy from one variety to another. Programming a crystal is very similar to programming a computer - both require clear, logical input to extract concise output! The only difference is the computer programmer needs complicated machine language while the crystal user requires simple everyday pictorial thought.


Your crystal may have picked up negative energies while it was being mined, transported, shipped, packed, and distributed before it reached you. As already mentioned quartz crystals are open receivers of energy and cannot only pick up negative thoughts and energies but can store them efficiently too. Therefore, your first priority is to cleanse your crystal thoroughly. To do this, simply place your crystal in a glass of water along with a large pinch of sea-salt and leave it in this solution for a minimum of 12 hours, preferably 24 hours.

How to cleanse and balance the Chakras

Commence this exercise at the Crown Chakra (the energy centre located at the top of the head) - this Chakra concerns inspiration, spiritual desires, divine wisdom and enlightenment. Hold your crystal in your left hand about 3 or 4 inches above the Crown Chakra. Point the crystal downwards towards the top of your head and rotate it slowly clockwise while you project a thought pattern of ‘white light’ through your crystal and into the Chakra. Do this for several minutes. Once this centre is sufficiently cleansed repeat this action on your other six spiritual centres.

1 The Crown Chakra

Location: The top of the head.
Qualities: Inspiration, spiritual desires, divine wisdom and understanding, creativity, happiness, serenity and good health.
Negative qualities: Confusion, alienation, senility and seasonal depression.

2 Brow Chakra (Third Eye)

Location: Centre of the forehead.
Qualities: Spiritual growth, insight, imagination, clairvoyance, peace of mind, wisdom and the expansion of consciousness.
Negative qualities: Lack of concentration, fear, nightmares, tension, headaches and vision problems.

3 Throat (or Thyroid) Chakra

Location: Throat area.
Qualities: Creativity, intuition, self-expression, open-mindedness, integration, truth, knowledge, wisdom, loyalty, honesty, and reliability.
Negative qualities: Ignorance and lack of discernment. Thyroid, communication and speech problems.

4 Heart Chakra

Location: Centre of chest.
Qualities: Forgiveness, unconditional love, harmony, contentment, compassion and understanding.
Negative qualities: Emotional instability, anger and repression of love. Heart and circulation problems.

5 Solar Plexus Chakra

Location: Above the navel, just below the chest.
Qualities: Radiance, warmth, humour, laughter, immorality, transformation, energy and self-control.
Negative qualities: Anger, fear, hate and lack of self-esteem.

6 Spleen Chakra

Location: Lower abdomen to navel area.
Qualities: Happiness, freedom and openness. This Chakra also relates to the release of adrenalin and the sense of taste.
Negative qualities: Over-indulgence, purposelessness, jealousy, envy, impotence, and bladder problems.

7 The Root Chakra

Location: Base of spine.
Qualities: Closely allied with the Solar Plexus is the Root Chakra which concerns matters relating to the material world, mastery of the body, stability, security, courage and patience.
Negative qualities: Self-centred, insecurity, greed and anger.


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