love spells
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Carmen The Love Spells Queen Witch


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Do Love Spells Backfire?


Your fee is your sacrifice in return for the occult forces granting your wish. You aren't required to suffer in any negative way as a further sacrifice. I don't believe anything such as God, spirits, the occult forces etc wants us to suffer.

My love spells cannot backfire, they are tightly packed with full instructions that go in one positive direction only - the outcome you are seeking. The opposite cannot and will not happen because your customized love spell will hold no instructions for the reverse to happen. You may wonder what would happen if you supply me with some inaccurate information in error? Assuming you get a date of birth wrong for your love spell, that would be the equivalent of a spelling mistake in a letter, and just as a spelling error does not ruin the message - you can work out what the writer means, this is also true of your love spell - it will realize psychically there is an error, but it will not ruin things. However, if you purposely give me false information then your love spell will psychically know I have false information - the love spell will not backfire (I never risk doing anything dangerous where love spells are concerned), but it will be a case of garbage 'input, garbage output' - basically no one can deceive the psychic or occult world, and knowingly supplying false information for a love spell wastes time as nothing happens. Whereas if you genuinely do not know too much about others involved, you still know exactly what outcome you are seeking from your love spell - that will be the truth and your love spell will work exceptionally well as the truth is positive and magic; the positive energy from your love spell is going to magnify and radiate your request on the psychic frequency which will in turn manipulate fate and ensure your love spell request is destined and great results appear!

After 20 years of performing spells I can confirm nothing has ever backfired, however as the performer of the spell if anything did go wrong I would be the one to suffer, not you!

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